Square root of 41

I am gonna teach You how to find the square root of 41.

First, You have to find the closest number to 41 times its self which would be 36 which is 6 times 6.

Second, You have to find the closest but higher number than 41 which is 49 and it is 7 times 7.

Third, You have to find the number that fits 41 which would be 6.4.

The way that you figure that out is  6.5 is in the middle of 6 and 7.

Then You add 6.5 to 36 and get 42.5.

The number 41 is lower than 42.5 so you subtract .1 from 6.5 which will give You 6.4 and that would be Your answer for number 41.

One thought on “Square root of 41

  1. Zach did you check your answer with a calculator? Were you close? I’m glad you located the middle point between your two perfect squares.

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