Square root of 41

I am gonna teach You how to find the square root of 41.

First, You have to find the closest number to 41 times its self which would be 36 which is 6 times 6.

Second, You have to find the closest but higher number than 41 which is 49 and it is 7 times 7.

Third, You have to find the number that fits 41 which would be 6.4.

The way that you figure that out is  6.5 is in the middle of 6 and 7.

Then You add 6.5 to 36 and get 42.5.

The number 41 is lower than 42.5 so you subtract .1 from 6.5 which will give You 6.4 and that would be Your answer for number 41.

About Me.

Hello, My name is Zach. I am 13 years old and go to Blennerhassett Middle School. I have went to Blennerhassett for 7 years and went to waverly for kindergarten. I am shy until I get to know You than I am normal. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I am about 5’6. I live with my dad and brother my mom moved out when I was 11. I grew up with my family until about age 12 than my mom just kinda went her separate way. I started to not really talk to my mom much, we text for 30 minutes a day. We really never see each other. My dad supports me and my brother and himself on his own. I grew up mostly in a trailer park and my dad is working on moving out. It isn’t to bad of a place its just not very peaceful. Growing up I really don’t go out I am more of a stay at home kid. I write music but I really don’t depend on it because theres a big chance of it not working out. When I get older I am planning on  going into buisness with my dad help fix AC/Heating. I don’t really hang out with a big crowd of people, a few in school and a few out of school that go to south and a couple people that has graduated. I know just about everyone in my trailer park but I don’t talk to many of them. So all in all I live a good and sorta peaceful childhood so far.